Wednesday 10 December 2008

Vile Charity Shop Harridans - Pt 2 (This Time It's War)

Following on from the last rant about charity shop Hitler's it was just an hour after the encounter in the previous post that me and my digging partner Matt found our way by the wonders of public transport to a not so delightful town called Cliftonville. Now Cliftonville (often known as Kosoville or Foreign-nation street round our ways) is a not so delightful small town which borders the also quite horrible Margate. Long gone are the glory days (not sure when they were exactly anyway) and the main drag of Cliftonville consists now of regional takeaway shops, furniture removal shops, Happy Shopper style supermarkets and most importantly a shit load of charity shops.

Now I'm not going to name the charity shop this encounter describes mainly as if you ever find yourself in it i want the hag who works there to surprise you with her evilness. I'd had a previous encounter with this harpy 6 months previously where she had accused me of trying to steal some records (please disregard the contents of pt 1 lol) which i obviously had not done. On that instance i think i called her a cunt in front of the whole shop and walked off.

We were on the other side of the road when i spotted the lights of this charity shop on (on previous times me and my digging partners had not been able to go in as the shop was closed). We crossed the road and the signs looked promising. I walked up to the door hoping it would be unlocked. It was. The door opened and a cry came out from inside

"We're shut".

I looked at my phone clock. It was 12.20pm. I peered inside and saw the venomous creature sitting down drinking a cup of tea.

"Oh I'm sorry" i said "Its just that all the lights were on and the door was open".

"We're shut" the reply came back.

I was annoyed.

"Oh .. didn't you want to make any money from us" i sarcastically shot back.

She staggered onto her devil like hooves and strode towards the door and uttered the words that marked her out as a desperately poor human being.

"I make enough money for charity already" she bellowed and went to close the door.

Now on hindsight i should have retorted with something like "Prove it" or "Charity never ends" but with a degree of inevitability all that would come out was

"Well fuck you, you fucking bitch"

Walking down the road it occurred to me that i would have been a hero to diggers worldwide if i would have forced my way into the shop at that point and started perusing as normal. Surely she would have been forced to call the police at that point to evict a potentially paying customer from her charity shop.

Here's to next time. I cant bloody wait!

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